Heart of Fear progression has begun! After the first night of raiding we went and 1 shot Stone Guards Heroic and 2 shot Feng the Accursed while we were waiting for our main tank to get on.
When the main tank got on we went to Heart of Fear to test our skill against these new bosses. I think almost everyone in the raid agreed on the fact that these new bosses are quite nice compared to the bosses you faced in Cataclysm raids.
We downed two of the bosses in Heart of Fear and started Progressing on the third where our dps (as usual) seems to be way ahead of schedule - so we will be dropping a dps for a healer to make the healing less stressful.
Tonight we will go take out Gara'jal the Spiritbinder once again and then head back to the Heart of Fear to clear out the rest of the bosses in there where-after we will be going back to progressing on The Spirit Kings where we got to the last transition phase after a full nights raiding on it - so expect to see some screenies up here soon enough with our Heart of Fear normal clear and hopefully Spirit Kings heroic following soon after.